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2003 - present

"Ana Luiza Ulsig proved herself to be a terrific character actor with perfect comic timing and a scene-stealer throughout."

Dress Circle

Read full review 



"Ulsig is a stunning actress and proves herself a compelling and flexible thespian

Broadway World

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Upcoming workshops


Drama Club

Jan 20 - May 26, türkis Aarhus, DK



Theatre Production workshop

Feb 18 - June 9, FO-Aarhus and türkis, DK



Nourishing your Creative Life

March 15, 16, Move'n Act, DK​​




(Review in Danish)


Teatret Beagle – dans & fysisk teater: The Steam Team -

Idé og koreografi: Bjørn W. Olesen i samarbejde med Kristoffer L.A. Pedersen fra Don Gnu. Lyddesign: Frederik Neumann. Medvirkende: Kristoffer L.A. Pedersen, Ana Luiza Ulsig og Bjørn W. Olesen (alternerende med Marika Rokka og Liv Pflug). Aldersgruppe: Fra 7 år. Varighed: 50 min. Spilles udendørs. Co-produktion med Bora Bora. Oplevet 23. april på Aprilfestival 2023


"Performerne er vilde, og sammen repræsenterer de hele det vilde spektrum mellem dans, skuespil, mime og nycirkus."


"Den dansk-brasilianske skuespiller Ana Luiza Ulsig er den snu kvinde mellem de to mænd – og hende, der som herlig mimiker formår at gøre mændenes selvsikkerhed og muskelstyrke til grin, når hun selv kan klare sig med smidighed og kløgt."


Teater Avisen, Juni 2023, April Festival


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One-woman-show written and performed by Ana Luiza Ulsig.

Winner of SPIRIT OF THE BEDFRINGE AWARD 2019, Bedford Festival Fringe.


"The Journey of a Warlike Mind (...) sees Ana Luiza Ulsig push the boundaries of artistic expression to deliver a vibrant, comedically-rich and affecting feminist exposé" (...)                

"Masterfully combining storytelling and dramatisation with movement, poeticism, dance, caricature and music"


Ask the Ushers, February 2020 - VAULT Festival


"The show is impressive in its realisation and it's a joy to see Ulsig's transformation from one role to the next. (...) Ulsig is a stuning actress and proves herself a compelling and flexible thespian."


Broadway World, February 2020 - VAULT Festival 


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By Jane Shepard

Directed by Coral Tarran

Drayton Arms, July 2019, London


"(...) fast-paced and challenging dialogue, which is handled deftly by performers Ana Luiza Ulsig and Amy Whitrod Brown."

Read full review


With Unchained Theatre Company

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By Raymond Woolford

Directed by Karen Douglas


Political period piece based on real events, revealing civil and human rights activist Kath Duncan.


"Ana Luiza Ulsig proved herself to be a terrific character actor with perfect comic timing and a scene-stealer throughout."

Dress Circle

Read full review 


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The Three Travelling Sisters once again broke the routine in Aarhus city at SPAF (Street Performing Arts Festival), with their curiosity and clumsiness. This time, they brought the performance "The Disastrous Feast"

August 19th, 2023

A collaboration between Lusus Theatre and SPAA (Street Performing Arts Association)


More info

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Cabaret Baubo - Belly Laughs and Dangling Bells 


2022: On December 8 - Teatret Svalegangen (Off The Record), and December 15 and 16 at Institut for X, Aarhus - DK, the show brought up some fire and provocations in the midst of the cold, cold winter. We made even Santa fall out of his chair.


Check out some more pics

Ana has an MA and a BA in Acting. She is a Danish Brazilian performer, writer and instructor.

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Click to see Ana's headshots 

Ana has a vast experience in theatre, as well as TV, commercials and films


Ana has been nominated for Best Script Award, co-written and co-produced several plays

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