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Denmark, ongoing

A co-creation with Lusus Theatre

Baubo is a Greek Goddess who represents the archetype of the Sacred Fool. She is the bawdy, jesting, wild woman whose swinging hips shake up our very world. She dangles her breasts in front of our faces, loosening narrow vision and re-wilding humdrum view. In CABARET BAUBO, we will see her dancing her shameless belly dance, where sexuality is restored as sacred, and where a laugh is much more than discreetly raising one’s cheeks; it is a full belly laugh.


Denmark, 2022-23

or The Three Travelling Sisters (in Gibberish)

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Et samarbejde mellem Lusus Theatre og SPAA - Street Performing Arts Association

De Tre Rejsende Søstre inviterer jer til at tage med på en magisk tur. De har rejst verden rundt så længe de kan huske, og har samlet og opfundet historier gennem utallige tider og steder.


The Three Traveling Sisters invite you to join them on a magical trip. They have traveled the world for as long as they can remember, collecting and inventing stories from countless times and places.


UK, 2020-19

“The Journey of a Warlike Mind”


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Written and performed by Ana Luiza Ulsig

From the dead, we see the rising of our narrator Rose. She has the key to the mind of Eva, and takes the audience into a fantastic adventure through imagination, fantasy, mystery, laughter, and tears. The hardest journey of all: from the mind to the bottom of the heart.

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BR, ongoing 

"The Shakespeare Challenge"


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Created and performed by Ana Luiza Ulsig

Follow Ariel, the traveller reveller storyteller, in her journey through Shakespeare's 38 theatrical plays, on Youtube and Instagram @anaulsig (project in Brazilian Portuguese) 

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UK, 2018

“F♀UR – Four Women, Four Stories”

Created and produced by Ana Luiza Ulsig, Leyre Aranda, Ellen Patterson & Krista Grevas

Four female artists from four different countries share their experiences on female existence and finding their place within society. The piece took place in 2018 at New Unity in Newington Green (London), a community space associated with the work of Mary Wollstonecraft.

Esqueceram de Mim

Brazil, 2016

“Esqueceram de mim? – Uma Aventura de Natal”

(Home alone? A Christmas adventure)

Written by Ana Luiza Ulsig

Santa Claus accidentally falls in a slum (favela) in Rio de Janeiro and realizes that many children are being forgotten from his list. The play starred in 2016 at Cesgranrio Cultural, an institution aimed at education and social change.

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Brazil, 2007-2008/


“Rock’n Lixo – Uma História para Reciclar o Brasil”

(Rock in the trash – a story to recycle Brazil)

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A musical by Ana Luiza Ulsig, Adriana Maia & Leonardo Lois

Using recycled puppets and rock music, the play raises environmental awareness and revolves around the infinite possibilities and characters that appear in the middle of a huge dumping ground. In 2015, it received funding from the Rio municipality to tour around poor areas of the city, including a sign language interpreter and free transportation for public schools. 

Muita Mulher Candido

Brazil, 2010-2014

“Muita Muher pra Pouco Musical”*

(Too many women for too little musical)



Created by As Sadomusicistas Theatre Company. Written by Ana Luiza Ulsig & Claudia Ricart

Five women who compose the ensemble of a musical lock up the main actor and do a show of their own. The play ran from 2010 to 2014, in various theatres and festivals in Brazil.

*Nominated for Best Script Award at the 8th National Festival of Duque de Caxias, BR. Winner of Best Play award*

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Brazil, 2014-2015

“Novelas, o Musical”

(Soap operas, the musical)



Created by As Sadomusicistas Theatre Company. Written by Ana Luiza Ulsig , Andre Dias & the company

As soap operas are a Brazilian treasure, the play reverts all the clichés and platitudes of this genre with wit and clever satirical humor. It starred in 2014 at Centro Cultural da Justica Federal, in Rio de Janeiro, where it was considered the Best Adult Project of the year in the theatre’s agenda. 

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Brazil, 2013

“Irmãos Brothers no Sertão”

(Brothers in the outback)



Written by Ana Luiza Ulsig & Fabio Florentino

The play explores the traditions of the Brazilian folklore around Saint John’s day, with circus, music, and theatre. Outdoors. 

ovo de girassol

Written in 2017

“O Ovo de Girassol”

(The Sunflower Egg – an Easter tale)



Written by Ana Luiza Ulsig

Nadia discovers that her mother is sick with “lack of faith” disease and undertakes a dangerous and transformative journey to find the cure. The play was written in 2017 aimed mainly at children and hasn’t been staged yet.

© 2021 by O Mamute Nacional Produções. All rights reserved.

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